The following photos and case histories are examples from my practice of before-after pictures from the first, initial four-day NCR series (and some results after 2 series also). It is hard to believe, but yes, it is possible to make significant changes to the structure and symmetry of the head and entire body in just four days! Contrary to what you might think, bone is actually an extremely plastic, changeable tissue, which can be remolded and remodeled by the right set of hands (preferably someone who knows what they are doing!).
Bob: Handicap, Asperger's and Head Injury Before/After 1st NCR Series
Bob came to me for treatment of multiple handicaps. Unfortunately, he was also suffering from liver cancer and was undergoing chemotherapy during this time, and regrettably he passed away a year later. As you can see, he was born with an abnormally developed left hand, which caused considerable compensation in his body because he had to use his body quite differently to lift things and go about activities of daily living. In the before picture, you can see a significant diagonal pattern from his left shoulder to his right hip, and his right hip is offset to the right. On the after photo, after one series, you can see that the diagonal patterns are nearly gone, the left shoulder has found a new position, the right shoulder is not as rotated forward, and the pelvis has re-centered itself.
Bob also suffered from Asperger's Syndrome. I believe this was because of a head injury he sustained at 4 years of age. He slipped while climbing a staircase and fell backwards, the back of his head hitting each plank of wooden stairs as he slid down. This undoubtedly injured the back of his brain and caused a tightening of the back of his head, resulting in a significant forward-head posture (see below).
Before/After 1st NCR Series
Bob's improvement of forward-head posture just after one series of treatment is remarkable! Not only did his entire spinal column reposition itself more vertically, but also his head became more centered on his neck. His head expanded in all directions, esp. front to back. The back of his head has already begun to round out here. His temporal bone has rotated backward (counter-clockwise) into position. If only he could have gotten this treatment at age 4! Perhaps he never would have gotten Asperger's Syndrome.
Before/After 2nd NCR Series
Bob's 2nd series' photos show an increased expansion of the crown of his head and from front to back, and a further rounding out of the back of his head. The planes of his face are also changing, and his frontal bone has come forward while maintaining his new temporal bone position (compare to above). His brain now has much more room to expand in all directions! This frees up the nervous system considerably. It is like going from operating on 2 cylinders to 10!
Before NCR After 2nd NCR Series
When Bob received this set of photos, he commented, "I cannot believe how much my face has changed!" His features are more spread out, his temples have broadened, his lower jaw/chin is more well-defined, the middle third of his face has come outward, his neck is less saggy, his nose has broadened, and his face has a 'lift' to it. The most important thing I notice is a twinkle in his eye and a return of 'heart shen' (the spirit that resides in the heart, seen through the eyes). He appears calmer, more centered, and has a new-found clarity. Around this time, Bob joined "A Course in Miracles" group, which he found very meaningful. I truly believe that NCR helped facilitate a shift in him, an 'opening' in his awareness, which allowed him to discover this near the end of his life.
Before/After 2nd NCR Series
Bob's entire body looks so relaxed after his 2nd NCR series! His shoulders have come back significantly, and there is an overall 'openness' and invitingness to his appearance, whereas before he appears defensive and 'on guard.' It had previously been hard for him to trust others.
Before/After 2nd NCR Series
The before photo shows a significant slumped appearance with severe forward-head posture, and significant thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. After 2 series, his shoulders have come back and he is standing taller. Imagine how much less strain is on the back of his brain and spinal cord!
Lynn: Multiple Injuries/Accidents Before After 1st NCR Series
Lynn had a lifetime of severe falls, accidents, and head injuries before seeing me. Her before picture shows a significant clockwise rotation of her head and raised right shoulder; her right ear and shoulder are contracted together. After one series of NCR, we can see that her head, neck and right shoulder has unwound significantly. Her face also opened up in the vertical dimension; one of her injuries had been a severe blow to the bottom of the chin, which may have compressed her head vertically. Her neck has elongated and looks less compressed. Her temporal bones are more even and her mouth has broadened.
Before After
Lynn's shoulders are more level, and her entire structure (body and head) has elongated. Her appearance looks more open.
Before After
Lynn's sternum came up nicely and she is standing taller after treatment. Her neck and cranium is no longer in a flexion pattern, her forward head posture is improved, and her head is centered better over her neck. Her weight has come more onto her heals rather than the front of her feet.
A Case of Head Injury and Cognitive Decline Before After 1st NCR Series
This woman took a bad fall from a tree while branch cutting, landing on her back, five years prior to coming to see me. She experienced ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and other more severe neurological and cognitive deficits afterwards. Her before picture shows a significant counter-clockwise rotation to the head, and her head is mal-positioned on her neck (off-center to her left). Her temporal bones are also quite rotated. After just four days, her cranial positions are much more balanced and symmetrical, and there is a clarity and sharpness to her that was lacking before.
Before After
Before treatment, there is significant rotation in the shoulder girdle, which matches the rotation in the head. This is much improved after NCR. She is also standing taller after treatment.
Before After
Before treatment, we see a very forward head posture, hunched upper back, collapsed sternum and slouched appearance. After NCR, she is standing taller, sternum has come up, and she is more in line with the center vertical line.
A Case of Nerve Pain Before After 1st NCR Series
This woman's head and shoulders unwound very nicely after just one series of NCR. Before NCR, her jaw was very skewed to her left and there was a spiral pattern in her skull, compressing the left side of her face and head. Her shoulder muscles were extremely tight, and her right shoulder girdle and neck were contracted together. After, her shoulders are more relaxed, spread out, and there is nice open space between her neck and right shoulder. Her jaw is much more centered, and the left side of her face and jaw have opened up significantly. Her neck also elongated and her whole head is elevated from where it was.
Before After
Before NCR, her entire torso rotated backward on the right side. She had significant forward head posture and collapsed sternum. After NCR, her torso has de-rotated, she is standing taller, sternum has come up quite a ways, and her back is beginning to straighten out. This patient complained of severe nerve tingling and pain shooting down her arms and legs. She reported it to be 80% improved after her first NCR series!
My Mom: Chronic Sinusitis, Shoulder Pain Before After 1st NCR Series
This woman is my mother! She had 24 hrs of constant sinus drainage after the very first balloon treatment. Prior to that she had a tendency for frequent sinus infections (chronic sinusitis). There was a lot of mucus trapped up there that wanted to come out! The pictures show a lot of expansion through her frontal sinus area and forehead (both forward and sideways), and the planes of her face changed, giving a more 3D appearance. Her face looks more symmetrical, rounded and smooth. Her neck and shoulder girdle also unwound significantly (her rotator cuff problem improved after treatment).
Profile Change: Before NCR, After 1st and 2nd Series
I love the changes that occurred with Pavan's profile! You can see a progressive broadening of the forehead as treatment ensued (compare the distance from brow to hairline). His face projected outward more, taking on a more 3-D appearance. His spinal curvature improved, with less cervical lordosis. His head has expanded more from front to back.