Enhancement of symmetry, both to the cranium/face and to the body, is one of the greatest benefits of NCR. It is often said that symmetry is the greatest determining factor of beauty. But I argue that symmetry is essential for health, and that beauty is only a natural byproduct of perfect health. Nature is balanced, organized, and intelligent, and symmetry and geometry can be found everywhere in nature. The golden mean ratio (fibonacci sequence/spiral) is one such example of an inherent order appearing throughout nature, even in the human body itself.
Why is Cranial and Facial Symmetry Important for Total Health?
Symmetry is not only a sign of beauty/attractiveness, it is reflective of a fundamental state of health. As humans, we are designed to be perfectly symmetrical (at least in terms of our musculo-skeletal structure). It is said that even babies can warm up more readily to a person with a symmetrical, round face than a person with an asymmetrical or oblong face, as there is much more harmony perceived.
Symmetry of the spine, ribcage and pelvis are crucial for proper health of the internal organs. When there is abnormal curvature of the spine and ribcage, as in scoliosis for example, the vital organs may be compressed and contorted in abnormal ways, which directly impacts both organ function and proper blood flow. Cranial symmetry is the most important determining factor for musculo-skeletal symmetry in the body. The entire body acts as a mirror to how the head is balanced, as is conveyed in the saying, "As above, so below." And because the brain is the commander-in-chief for regulating all the organ systems in the body, it is imperative that your brain is symmetrical! The symmetry of the brain is determined by the "brain box," your skull. If the skull has been either impacted from injury or has not developed properly due to genetic, dietary, or other factors, then the brain cannot reach its full capacity in all areas. The brain (and therefore the entire body) can only work optimally when all parts of the brain are allowed to expand to their full capacity, and when flow of cerebrospinal fluid is even throughout the brain.
Moreover, when the two sides of the body and the head are symmetrical, this means that a person is balanced and congruent within themselves. The more asymmetrical one’s face or body is, the more we are “at odds” within ourselves. It also may reflect a conflict of values/beliefs/attitudes/behaviors between our parents or parental lineages (working itself out within us) or between the male and female aspects of ourselves. The more we hide things from ourselves or wall different parts of ourselves off from visibility, the more the body (and head) has to twist itself up and contort itself to keep these different realities alive. This costs the body and nervous system a tremendous amount of energy!!!
The more we come into symmetry, the more we can be at peace within ourselves as one unified whole. The body-mind can then use the energy that was once expended on “holding things together” instead toward a greater awareness and cultivation of human potential.
Use of Mirror Images to Demonstrate Facial Symmetry
I have found the use of mirror images to be an incredibly helpful tool for educating my patients. It brings to light the degree of imbalance that exists in the head and the entire body, and is a useful marker of progress after each treatment series. Asymmetries can be easily seen by quickly darting one's eyes back and forth to create a picture flip book effect.
If you ever want to see another person’s asymmetries, have them stand in front of a mirror and you will notice immediately. The brain is trained to seek facial symmetry, and it very quickly makes up for the asymmetries we see in other people so that we no longer notice them. In fact, when you first meet someone, you are more likely to notice any glaring asymmetries, but once you get to know that person, that part of the brain is shut off and no longer pays attention to the asymmetries. This could be an adaptive mechanism to create more harmony in our relationships (my theory).
Here are some examples of mirror images taken from my practice.
Temporal Bone Symmetry - Before NCR Treatment
Pavan's mirror images (taken before NCR treatment), show that his temporal bones are in different planes. This is evident by the different positions of his ears against his head. Temporal bone position is essential for proper functioning of the TMJ and for proper balance and equilibrium. When not in alignment, TMJ problems and vertigo can result.
Temporal Bone Symmetry - After NCR Treatment
Pavan's mirror images taken AFTER two series of NCR treatments spanning just a couple weeks, along with dietary changes, show an improvement in temporal bone position (they are more in the same plane), as well as improved facial symmetry. This would continue to improve with more treatment. Unfortunately, Pavan moved back to India and cannot continue treatment for a while!
Head Rotation - Before NCR Treatment
Lynn's mirror images make more obvious the rotation to her head and shoulder girdle. A number of injuries and accidents lead to the formation of this pattern.
Head Rotation - After NCR Treatment
After just one series of NCR treatment, Lynn's mirror images look much more similar to each other! Her temporal bones are nearly in the same plane.